Applications Code
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By completing the log-in below, I am affirming that I will safeguard all Sensitive Personally Identifiable Information (SPII), as defined in the DOT Information
Technology and Information Assurance Policy 2006-22(Revision 1), Implementation of DOT's Protection of Sensitive Personally Identifiable Information (SPII).
SPII is information that if released for unauthorized use is likely to result in substantial harm to the individual to whom such information relates.

SPII means the first and last name, home address and telephone number of an individual, in combination with any of the following related to the individual:
Social Security Number (this is SPII on its own); Driver's License/State Issued Identification Number; Taxpayer Identification Number; Financial Information;
Security Code; Access Code; Password; Personal Identification Number; Medical Information protected under the Health Insurance and Portability Accountability
Act; Biometrics; and Investigations, including a report or database which contains sensitive information which can link an individual to any item above.


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